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Hadleigh High School

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Catch Up Premium

Year 7 Catch up funding has been replaced in 2020/21 with Catch up premium funding. This is additional funding provided to the school to support students to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months as a result of Covid.  Funding will be used to ensure students progress in line with the curriculum expectations for the next academic year. The school will use the funding as follows: 

Catch up funding prior to 2020/21

Prior to 2020, catch-up funding was additional funding provided to the school to support students in Year 7 to make progress where they did not achieve a score of 100 in the KS2 Reading test and/or in mathematics. The school received extra funding for students who fell into this category.

The school used the funding as follows:

Year 7 Catch-Up Premium 2018-19 Outcomes

For the financial year 2018/19 the school received £13,000 (matched to 2017-18 funding) in catch-up premium funding.  

Plans for 2019-20 

For the current academic year (anticipated funding of £13,000), alongside the interventions of last year, we will also: 

  • Increase the focus on Year 7 class support and tuition.
  • Smaller classes in year 7 Maths to support those most I need.
  • Withdrawal of target pupils from MFL for additional literacy support.
  • Liaise with subject teams to develop common approaches to literacy and numeracy across the curriculum.
  • Delivery of additional literacy and numeracy through form time.