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Hadleigh High School

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Staff Members

Miss A Pryke

Creative Arts Head of Faculty: Mr J Revell

Prior Learning

Students will have had no formal exposure to Dance before KS4.

Key Stage 4

Dance is a natural form of self - expression, allowing us to express our inner feelings, thoughts and experiences. Studying dance helps develop skills such as: creativity, collaboration, confidence, critical thinking, self-discipline, trust and resilience.


Dance suits any student with a passion for performing / dance. While no formal dance training is required, students should be aware that they will be expected to move on a regular basis with any extracurricular dance experience being beneficial.


Students will be required to perform in front of one another in small groups


 The BTEC Technical Award Level 1 / 2 in Performing Arts (Pearson) has 3 components. These components are internally assessed and then externally moderated by the exam board.


Component 1

Assessed between January and March of Year 10


Study a minimum of 3 professional dance works (Example: Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker, Hamilton, Chicago) to explore their stylistic qualities, features, intentions and themes.


Take part in practical workshops to explore the physical skills required to perform routines.


Create a portfolio of evidence on all of the information / knowledge acquired about one of the professional dances.


Component 2

Assessed between September and December of Year 11


Using the professional works already studied, you will learn to replicate choreography directly from the piece.


Understand the process used to design, create, rehearse and perform a dance piece.


Evaluate your own performance.


Component 3

Assessed between January and May of Year 11


Learners are given a brief from the exam board e.g. 'Conflict'


Working in small groups / solo.  Students will design, create, rehearse, perform and evaluate a dance that links to the theme. Using and transferring the skills that students have developed in component 1 and 2

Useful websites

and resources


Possible areas of future Studies

Vocational Performing Arts 


Possible future careers

Dance Teacher

Arts Administrator


Community Arts Worker

Dance Movement Psychotherapist


Personal Trainer

Music Producer

Sports Therapist