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Learning Support Department

Hadleigh High School is an inclusive mainstream secondary school. Our aim is to enable all students to access the curriculum, make progress and grow as individuals.

My child has Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

Can they apply to join Hadleigh High School?

Absolutely. The Governing Body’s admissions criteria do not discriminate against students with special educational needs or disabilities. Students who have Education Health Care Plans will be offered a place at Hadleigh High School (if it is their chosen school) unless the school is deemed unsuitable to meet your child’s needs.

What facilities does HHS have?

We have a purpose-designed classroom, well equipped with ICT access. We also have several smaller rooms to accommodate a range of interventions and small group working. We are a single storey building and all teaching areas are full accessible. We have fully accessible toileting facilities, including a full size plinth and ceiling fixed hoist. Height adjustable work areas are available in subject areas including science and technology. 

What additional needs does the school have experience with?

  • General Learning Difficulties
  • Specific Learning Difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia)
  • Autistic Spectrum Condition
  • Physical disability and medical conditions
  • Hearing and visual impairments (although we have not had experience with students with profound hearing or sight loss)
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

How will you support my child?

All students deserve good or outstanding classroom teaching, with the highest expectations for your child. Teaching will build on what your child already knows, can do and understands. Teachers will use specific strategies to support your child to learn.  Some students need more specialist intervention, to enable them to make the best progress. This may be within the classroom or in a small group away from the main class. A learning support assistant (or LSA) may support in your child’s classroom.

Some students require support at break and lunchtimes. The Learning Support classroom is open for all students at this time and is fully supervised. Structured activities are available such as board games and lego.

Will my child be included in extracurricular activities?

All students, including those with SEND, are actively and positively supported to access the full range of experiences on offer at our school. This includes access to all school clubs, trips (including residential trips) and sporting activities.

There are many opportunities for students with SEND to work and learn alongside students who do not have SEND, including mixed ability teaching groups in many subjects.

Who else can help my child?

If you and the school are still concerned about your child, and they are not making expected progress, they can be referred to other professionals for advice and monitoring. This includes Educational Psychologists, County Inclusive Resources, Speech and Language Therapists and Primary Mental Health Workers. We will always talk with you about this, before we speak to anyone else about your child. We can also make referrals to the Early Help Team, who have Family Support Workers to help with issues outside of school.

Who can I speak to for more information?

Ms Jess Cannon is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) 


Mrs Sarah Grimsey is the Intervention Coordinator 
