geography curriculum intent.pdf
Staff Members |
Ms Harris, Mr T Miller and Mr Vanstone, Second in Humanities: Mr Herbert-Jones |
Humanities Head of Faculty: Mrs C Tunaley |
Prior Learning |
At KS1 and 2 the aim was for students to:
Key Stage 3 |
In Key Stage 3 we cover a range of interesting topics, from more traditional units based around physical geography where questions are posed that include: How has ice changed the UK? and Does a hazard always cause a disaster? We look at big questions that explore key themes that underpin a Geographer's journey at HHS, such as: Is Africa unique? or Is over-population a myth? Additionally we undertake specific place studies within our extreme environments unit. Underpinning many of the topics we study is the concept of sustainable development so students become adept at assessing themes from a social, economic and environmental viewpoint. In addition we explore the idea of an ever-increasing level of interdependence and how it affects our lives.
Students will attempt to answer the following 'Big Questions' during their time at HHS:
Year 7:
How do we know our place in the world? - An introduction to the fundamentals of the subject of Geography that we study today.
Is Africa unique? - A conceptual study of the African content.
How has ice changed the UK? - Do students realise that much of the UK looks like it does because of ice?
Is the world a better place than we think? - Students will address their own misconceptions about global development.
Year 8:
Is zero hunger an achievable goal? - Students will consider the issue of feeding our growing population, the scale of food waste and suggest how we might feed ourselves in the future.
What is the world’s most extreme environment? – Students will explore a range of ecosystems, considering how they work, how animals and plants adapt to them, and how we interact with them. Students will investigate the characteristics of rainforests, along with the damage that we are doing to this precious resources;
Can Antarctica remain a pristine wilderness? – Students will look at Antarctica exploration, the reasons for it and how it has changed and may change in the future, along with the adaptations needed to survive in this frozen environment;
Is a more connected world a better place? - Students will consider how we have become a much more globalised society and the impact this has on different people around the world;
Have we changed the planet forever? - Students will discover how and why weather and climates vary around the globe, will study the causes and impacts of extreme weather events, before considering how climate change may affect our lives.
Year 9:
Is overpopulation a myth? - Students consider the causes of the planet’s growing population, the impact this has and the solutions to the challenges posed,
Does a hazard always cause a disaster? – Students will learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, where and why they occur, along with the impact of these events, and will start to consider how different countries cope. They will consider the possible role that humans have to play in natural hazards becoming disasters.
How does the sea shape the land and our lives? – Students will explore how the sea helps to shape the land into a range of interesting landscapes, and also looks at the risk of erosion, in terms of causes, effects and management strategies, using examples from around the world to demonstrate this.
Resource Wars - The Future of Conflict? - Students investigate how the major conflicts of the future are likely to be ones fought over, for example, water.
Are all stories of migration the same? - Students address the misconceptions related to migration that they may often encounter in the media and other areas of life. Moving away from the idea of one single story of migration and hearing about the experiences of many of who have moved to new places to live.
Geography Long Term Plan - Year 7 |
Key Stage 4 |
Students follow the Eduqas GCSE Geography B course. The content of the specification is organised into three broad themes (each covering a range of contemporary geographical and environmental issues).
Theme 1: Changing Places - Changing Economies:
Key Idea 1.1 – Urbanisation in contrasting global cities - To what extent is urbanisation a global phenomenon? What are the ways of life and current challenges created by urbanisation in two global cities? What strategies can be used to manage the impacts of urbanisation in global cities? Key Idea 1.2 - Urban and rural processes and change in the UK - What changes are taking place in where people live in both urban and rural areas of the UK? What are the distinctive features of urban areas in the UK? What factors help to drive urban and rural change across the UK? What is the cause and effect of change in retail provision across the UK? What are the issues associated with leisure use in urban and rural areas across the UK? Key Idea 1.3 - A global perspective on development issues - What are global patterns of development? What are the global processes that connect countries at different levels of development including the UK? What are the causes and consequences of uneven development? 1.3.4 What are the advantages of different types of aid project?
Theme 2: Changing Environments:
Key Idea 2.1 – Shaping the landscape - coasts and coastal management - How do people and processes contribute to the development of distinctive coastal landscapes in the UK? How are coastlines managed? Why is coastal management often controversial? What are the predicted impacts of climate change on coastal landscapes and communities? Key Idea 2.2 – Shaping the landscape - rivers and river management - How do people and processes contribute to the development of distinctive river landscapes in the UK? Why do rivers flood and what are the consequences of flooding? How can rivers be managed to reduce the risk of flooding? Why is river flood management often controversial? Key Idea 2.3 – Weather and climate - Why is the UK climate so variable? How does the global circulation of the atmosphere create distinctive climate zones? How are weather hazards distributed at a global scale and how does this pattern change over time? What are the causes, impacts and responses to two contrasting extreme weather events? Key Idea 2.4 - Climate change - cause and effect - How has climate changed during the Quaternary period? What are the causes of global warming? What are the consequences of climate change? How and why do attitudes to climate change vary? What role can individuals and government in the UK play in reducing the risk of climate change?
Theme 3: Environmental Challenges:
Key Idea 3.1 – How ecosystems function - What is the relationship between climate and biomes at a global scale? What physical processes and interactions operate within ecosystems? How are small scale ecosystems in the UK used and managed? Key Idea 3.2 – Ecosystems under threat - How are ecosystems used by people? How are ecosystems damaged by human activity? Why and how are ecosystems managed in a sustainable way? Key Idea 3.3 - Water resources and management - Why does supply and demand for water vary over time and space? What happens when demand for water exceeds supply? What are the challenges of managing water supplies? Key Idea 3.4 – Desertification - What are the physical processes operating in hot semi-arid regions that make them vulnerable to desertification? To what extent does human activity contribute to the problem of desertification? How can environments vulnerable to desertification be managed?
Assessment at Key Stage 4
The course is examined through three exam papers:
Component 1 - Investigating Geographical Issues (105 minutes - 40%): Three structured data response questions. The final part of each question will require an extended response. Question 1 will assess aspects of Theme 1, Changing Places - Changing Economies. Question 2 will assess aspects of Theme 2, Changing Environments. Question 3 will assess aspects of Theme 3, Environmental Challenges. Component 2 - Problem Solving Geography (90 minutes - 30%): This component will assess content from across the themes using a variety of structured data response questions. Part A will introduce an issue and set the geographical context. Part B will outline a number of possible solutions to the issue. Part C will provide an opportunity for the candidates to choose a solution and justify their choice in an extended response. Component 3 - Applied Fieldwork Enquiry (90 minutes - 30%). A written examination in three parts using a variety of structured data response questions some of which will require extended responses. Part A will assess approaches to fieldwork methodology, representation and analysis. Part B will assess how fieldwork enquiry may be used to investigate geography's conceptual frameworks. Part C will assess the application of broad geographical concepts to a wider UK context and assess the ability to make and justify a decision.
Useful websites and resources |
Eduqas Geography: Eduqas GCSE Geography B specification
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Geography B - Second Edition - Brown, Davis, Digby and Leeder.
WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9–1) Geography B Workbook My Revision Notes: Eduqas GCSE (9–1) Geography B Second Edition
Each class will have their own Google Classroom page, where class work and homework will be posted, along with a range of resources to help with students. There is also a specific GCSE revision page which all GCSE students should join (code rbmwejn) which has a bank of revision materials including past papers, exam tips, topic files, revision sheets. |
Possible areas of future Studies |
Geography is often quoted as the most sought after qualification as it demands flexibility, common sense and a broad range of skills. Geography is classed as a ‘facilitating’ subject - one of the subjects that is most required by top universities. It is also one of the most popular subjects at A Level and compliments many other subjects due to its breadth. GCSE Geography provides a useful background for a variety of subjects at A Level including Geography (of course!), Biology, Economics, Environmental Science, Geology, Government and Politics, International Development, Leisure Studies, Marine Science, Sociology, and Travel and Tourism. |
Possible future careers |
Geography is relevant for many careers, such as leisure and tourism, civil engineering, politics, publishing, law and architecture to name a few! |