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Hadleigh High School

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The curriculum offer at Hadleigh High School reflects its learners: it is diverse, vibrant and driven by a desire for success. It equips our students with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed throughout their time at the school and excel in the next steps in their educational journeys, be that at a sixth form college, on an apprenticeship or in employment.


At Hadleigh High School, students follow a bespoke knowledge-based curriculum which is ambitious for all of its learners, regardless of their starting points. The curriculum is designed to secure in our students a thorough knowledge and understanding of the subjects disciplines during Key Stage 3 so that learners can confidently master their core and option subjects at Key Stage 4.


In Key Stage 3, students experience a carefully sequenced and balanced curriculum, studying: the Arts, Design Technology, Humanities, two Modern Foreign Languages and PE, alongside the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Then, at the start of Key Stage 4, students personalise their curricula by choosing a number of options from a range of GCSE and vocational courses. All subjects and qualifications are carefully selected to provide the best possible range of opportunities for our students and provide a platform for continued study. 


Whilst the experience is broadly referred to in two phases (KS3 and KS4), the curriculum at Hadleigh High School is designed as one complete journey for students. Learning is sequenced carefully within and across years to ensure that students acquire both disciplinary and substantive knowledge, which provides intellectual and cultural capital to prepare students for adulthood.  Alongside the academic curriculum, students also engage with a wider curriculum to support their spiritual, moral and cultural development. This includes: an immersive PHSE and RSE programme; enrichment activities from sports clubs and STEM clubs to music, drama and much more.

If you have any questions regarding our Curriculum please contact Mr Miller (Deputy Head - Curriculum Lead), on 01473 823496 or tmiller@hadleighhigh.net

Please follow the links below to read our full curriculum offer: