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Public Sector Apprenticeship Target 

Prescribed groups and public sector bodies with 250 or more staff in England have a target to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts over the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2021.  Bodies in scope must have regard to the target.  As a multi academy trust we have come within this scope from 31 March 2018 and are required to provide details for the period 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019 as given below:

Apprenticeship Target 

Number of starters during this period


Number of Apprentices who began work during this period


Number of employees employed at end of this period


Number of Apprentices at the end of this period


Number of Apprentices who began work during this period as a percentage figure


Number of Apprentices at the end of this period as a percentage figure


Headcount before period began


Number of Apprentices who began work during this period as a percentage of Headcount before period began




For further information regarding the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target see : 

meeting the public sector apprenticeship target guidance.pdf