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Additional Challenges 

Reading Lists

Your child/children have been asked to undertake 30 minutes of personal reading each day. Reading develops vocabulary and writing. It helps students to build social skills and aids them in understanding and processing complex ideas. Reading also expands their ability to build knowledge overall – not just in subjects like English, but in all subjects.

Please find below a list of recommended books. Some of them can be downloaded for free directly from here.


Recommended KS3 reads:


Free Audible audiobooks from Amazon: https://stories.audible.com/discovery?utm_content=buffer87614&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

David Walliams free audiobooks:   https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Author and illustrator events:

PIXL Documents

If your child/children wish to undertake an additional challenge then they are welcome to attempt some of the activities outlined in the following documents.